
: I’ve officially paid off all my student loans! I’m so excited! It was $70,000 4 years …

: Saved the day at work and being appreciated for it. Feels good!

: Alas, it is time for me to sneak in some work on the weekend. Policy and risk assessment revisions. …

: I got my ISO 27001 Lead Auditor qualification! However, I am truly an ISO implementer at heart.

: Boo! I have peroneal tendonitis. This is mildly frustrating!

: Confirmed my friends in Bondi Junction are safe. What happened was and is utterly terrifying. For …

: I passed my ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Exam!

: I am so close to paying off my student loans. Only 14k to go! For context, in 2022 it was 70k. With …

: Grand Canyon walk during Easter! There were so many stairs but it was a beautiful walk! Very much …

: Keep your ISMS simple when starting out. Do not over promise in policies. Auditors will assess you …

: NIST CSF V2 is out!

: Passed the ISO 27001 Lead Implementor exam! Next stop is the auditor qualification! #cybersecurity …

: Just watched Pluto. What a masterpiece! I hope the creators make more adaptations in that universe.

: For me, this year is the year of doing hands on courses. Just did a course on basic home repair. …

: Did a Home DIY course over the last two weeks and it was really good! For anyone in Sydney, I highly …

: “You are very important to someone, even if that is yourself.”

: I loathe when people are like “you are too focused on salary”. No, I’m really not. …

: It has not been a good few weeks. Health issues within the family.

: Beautiful morning!

: Other favourite webcomics include but are not limited to: -Unsounded -Wilde life -Dumbing of age …

: Some of the best webcomics I have been reading (many for years!) -Tiger Tiger -Witchy -Gunnerkrigg …

: My birthday cake my friend baked me. Vasilopita!

: Today was a good birthday

: Okay so I was missing the h-entry from the Bluesky profile I think preventing replies from coming …

: The insurance company did not know much about ADHD. My doctor had to fill out forms asking …

: I got income protection insurance. The only exclusion is if a claim results from… ADHD. The …

: Request that someone from Bluesky (and mastodon) reply to this so I can see if Bridgy is working!

: Bridgy for Bluesky eh? Let’s see if this works.

: For Bluesky I’m debating whether or not I make an account using my primary domain or keep my …

: Oof. Over did it with the deadlifts yesterday. It is still good to be back to training though!

: Cross posting to bluesky has been set up from Let us see if it works!

: Going to a personal training session for the second time in around 5 years. Good god it is expensive …

: #paxaus was a great time! I am hoping I don’t contract pax pox from the event but I masked up …

: Breaking news: the new Heinz baked bean flavours suck. Caramelized onion? Sickly sweet. Mexican? …

: The app woebot is apparently leaving Australia and the UK! What’s going on? :O

: Currently reading: The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie 📚

: over 10 billion lost in web 3.0 projects…

: So. Many. Emails.

: Looking at RACM’s and other IT internal controls as someone who is not trained in auditing. I …

: After these markets, I will be dedicating my weekend to the Legend of Zelda. Tomorrow, I shall feel …

: Okay but legit. I’m very excited about the #shadowdark #ttrpg I miss some of the specificity …

: Time to write fifty thousand emails.


: Writing up some Microsoft Flows like a champ and writing up some policies. Not looking forward to …

: Decided to not get the mini museum display stand. Sure, it has little LED’s but at $39 …

: The new mini museum will be fantastic, but I saw a spoiler for it and I wish it focused on less …

: Enjoying the breeze until I walk back home to start work again. It’s a beautiful day.

: On this pleasant Sunday, it is time for me to brush my teeth, sneak in some work, and study for …

: I must admit I love playing with this flow of integrations and triggers. A fascinating puzzle! Also …

: Starting to mess with Microsoft flow. Seems to be causing lag with one of my Lists though… …

: I saw Danny Lim yesterday, what a legend. #sydney

: Also to people seeing posts on the bird site, it’s cause of syndication. I use mastodon and …

: Reflecting on what I was like as a teenager. In a far worse headspace depression wise, but anxiety …

: I read through my old deviantart poetry. It is terrible and yet I still love it dearly! I should get …

: Need to update the hell out of my LinkedIn this weekend. Honestly, it is ancient.

: Urge to move everything to Microsoft Lists

: Picking out new glasses is hard. Hm.

: Coogee to Bondi walk on Saturday was beautiful.

: Good god it is raining cats and dogs. But none the less, we are driving for four hours to see our …

: Baby sitting my nephew and watching fireman Sam. Mind is wandering and thinking about design and …


: Meanwhile in Sydney…

: Happy holidays and new years to everyone! Scorching here in Sydney. Absolutely lovely.

: I’m so excited for Hades 2

: Bought a brooch. Sterling silver 1901 from Britian (fake amethyst). Lovely find though

: A popular place for bouldering is quiet this Sunday morning

: Morning in the forest

: Beautiful evening.

: Absurdly expensive but tempting

: DAY ONE OF AUDIT DONE. GOD. nah but legit auditor is a champ

: The next two days are going to be anxious hell. External audit. Bahhhh

: Took this beautiful photo a couple of weeks ago. I only wish I had a professional camera when taking …

: I honest to god 1) need to finish my BLOODY TIMESHEETS and 2) need to start actually booking …

: Had to head into the office today, but BEES. God I love bees

: One thing I noticed about, and it may be the same for mastodon in general (depending on …

: Photo of the bats in the bay sanctuary near me. Look at all these cuties!

: Someone asked what the other frog colours were of the gatcha frog. Ask and you shall receive!

: Walking through my local parks is such a treat. Look at this confident cockatoo!

: Bought my first gatcha. I love it irrationally!

: Train is packed today. Must be trackwork.

: Timesheets, the bane of my corporate experience. Urgh.

: The new Wednesday Netflix show is pretty dang good

: Annnnd I left my work pass and work keys at home.

: Bees!

: Studying for CISSP today like a champ. Lets do this.

: Hmm many of the mastodon accounts I am following are not having their feeds downloaded. Very odd! I …

: Look how utterly brilliant this art is I'm going to stay here. #mastoart #manga #anime #bd …

: It has been one of those weeks where my ADHD is going nuts at work and I desire nothing more than to …

: Whoops forgot to publish the change to my website footer last night that credits the source of the …

: Dammit broke my microblog custom subdomain

: Thinking of something like these two for my .social eventually… …

: I promise I don’t only think about domains and sub domains haha

: Okay so likely over thinking this. I have two domains I really like (and own). Now I’m trying …

: Catch up Wisptober Day 8: Cuckoo " The king of the Changelings and his loyal birds were always …

: A delightful screenshot from “Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim”

: If anyone knows any pro’s and/or cons of using a root domain vs a sub domain for a microblog I …

: My posts are not appearing in my timeline since I added a custom domain… time to …

: Upguard is cool but god damn the questionnaire library is clunkly for custom jobs

: Bought a custom domain. Now I just need to set it up on Man, I love the control, should …

: Goodbye twitter and hello